Children of the World Adoption Agency on Wrongful Adoption

The Perfect Lie and the Fall of an Adoption Agency to the Stars
"Wrongful adoption!" a phrase that has a nightmarish effect when used in the dream come-true world of newly blessed adoptive parents. Understandably, they would rather these words lack a direct association with the adoption agency or adoption attorney that facilitated the placement of their child.
New Jersey State adoption statute N.J.S.A. 3:3-39 1[b] [c], now ten years enacted, practically ensured that such declaration never be heard by them or an adoption court.
Adoption worldwide is a multi-billion dollar a year business.
In defense of all adoptions and those that facilitate their completion, ninety-seven out of a hundred are legitimate. However, of the remaining suspect cases, very few of these adoptive parents are aware of the improprieties in their child's acquisition. This leaves the rest as innocent unknowing adoptive mothers and fathers whose paternal instincts have provided a means and ways for the unscrupulous.
Today's date is June 1st 2008 and the prospect that this will be my sixth summer of discontent is ominously apparent. This morning came the realization how difficult it would be to involve public interest in a growing adoption issue. To discuss such, I subscribed to a discussion website on the internet. This is when my stark awakening hit home. It was within one week from posting my forum entries that I found them partially edited. This was a suppressive action taken despite there not being one complaint. Each entry, although true, obviously did not sit well with the website's administration. With the reading of this book, nor will these words offer comfortable recumbence of posture for a certain State's Department of Human Services, as well as some of it's adoption facilitators.
The reason for this was this investigative journal, __, as it will retrace the systematic procedure of an adoption intentionally processed by facilitators despite knowing that it was a complete fraud. Also provided is evidence which reveals that the New Jersey Department of Human Services aided in its cover-up. Yet, unless one reads this offering, a scandal will remain hidden, as these pages will not appear in the monthly periodicals that explore parenting issues.
For the record of that withstanding, credentials that declare ability to uncover such complex findings simply do not exist in my work history. My education lacks diploma in Sociology or Criminology, these of which, relate directly as to qualification. Therein, all should know, as for those that do possess these coveted sheepskins, my findings are not the subject of storied conversation within the circles of their peers.
However, as the unknown birth father in the aforementioned case, one thing I can say is that these past five years have proved me legitimate in the investigating of wrongful adoption. Moreover, these found truths have helped ease my mind, regardless if brought to any degree of public attention.
Although some may determine that my role in this matter of injustice could warrant status as victim, sometimes I feel that such is not the case. Albeit, it is true that the illegal adoption of my son stands as the basic core that sustains these writings, there are other reasons for this book and its completion. Reflectively, the effect of this tragedy on other people also influences my concerns. I know of two individuals that have and will continue to suffer from the residual consequences left behind.
I can truly say however, that these events would not have occurred if I had known of the adoption's possibility. Ultimately, despite my acknowledgement of non-victimization, it was myself left standing defrauded by the birth mother and subsequently treated same by the aforementioned, ___ whom I consider, __ criminally negligent facilitators. Moreover, in relation to their misdeeds, there are many other fathers in this country similarly affected. Unfortunate and due to a lack of adoption attorney/adoption agency maintenance of high ethical standard, most of these situations could have had different outcomes.
That said, it is an adoption agency and an adoption attorney's actions primarily involved in this discussion. They will establish the major content of this book. Accordingly, and in respect to the reader, the circumstances that led to the initial proceedings of this placement are also up for evaluation in the latter chapters. It is from these pages that resulted in the writing of the following paragraph.
Despite having had absolutely nothing to do with this tragedy, the most affected from this ordeal was a four-year old girl. She is now ten-years old, never meeting a brother, who, until she was the age of seven, thought was in heaven. Her treatment by means of non-intervention now weighs on my mind. I could have done better for her and my unborn son.
Let me now state that this story is everything but a diatribe spewing out unfounded accusations. Conversely, these written statements are ninety-nine percent proven facts. Shown in detail will be how they have brought a nationally recognized adoption agency to ruin. This agency's corruption is something the State of New Jersey failed to recognize or admit until signed and documented evidence was set on the Attorney General's doorstep. With investigation, this office would have found the case to be a microcosm of the ills facing adoption today, especially in regards to the wrongful placement of newborn children.
In a discovery of major significance is how a successful adoption resulted from a three-pronged collusive action whose participants are now exposed. This author subjectively breaks down, isolates and identifies the components of this triad's multi-faceted working concept. These findings, I hope will produce a cloudburst of new adoption law in the future.
I also believe, and will to prove with documentation, that the humanitarian act of adoption has turned into a marketable commodity by a certain percentage of licensed facilitators. Subsequently, this exploitation of the American adoption naturally leaves victims in its wake. These innocent people include birth mothers, prospective adoptive parents, and the "unknown" birth fathers. However, it is the "Pork Bellies trading" that is most affected, ___ the wrongfully adopted children, and their now unknown siblings.
Concerning the countless multitude of parents that have adopted sons and daughters into their lives, my utmost respect they do have. It is my opinion that these people as mortal human beings with only one life to live and to recognize same of child; adoption is the noblest of deeds. Pure of heart are those who endeavor in this selfless act, voluntarily raising a child not of their own blood.
Accordingly, I write this book with the hope that all who plan to adopt be wary of the few that practice in the hurt of many. With that said, I will tell my story. This journey, since true, will name names whenever possible, as official documentation protect my right to speak the truth....
In part, my odyssey exposes a scheme that forced the eventual surrender of an adoption agency's license. Moreover, it also shed light on a group of persons inextricably entwined in the act of collusion.
Incredulously, with over thirty years experience in the field of adoption, one person actually assisted the late Seton Hall Professor James Boskey in the writing of New Jersey State adoption law.
For over seventeen consecutive years, [Name edited] was the Executive Director of Children of the World Adoption Agency Inc. ___ Her tenure might have carried on uninterrupted if were not for my investigations, for caught was she, not in practice of what she "writes."
Also identified is an attorney named [Name edited], whom is adept in skill at the lending of hand to bury information that would identify "unknown" birth fathers, this would include their names and locations. In one case, details also could have revealed a paternal medical affliction that with preventative therapy ensured the future health of a child. This was an attorney, that within days of a birth, received information of a father unaware of the pending adoption. In fact, he knew this man was frantic in search of his "missing" pregnant girlfriend.
Over a year and a half later, forced were the written statements of the facilitating adoption agency's director and this attorney. However, the only trouble with this investigation is that its own separate branch of State government examined each statement. This non-confrontation isolating technique resulted in their total exoneration, as determined through the States interpretation of State statute.
The State, with its own self-prescribed blinders, failed to investigate an obvious discrepancy in testimony. It was of the accused pair, and their combined words that resulted in a contradiction unparalleled in adoption fraud. These findings, when recognized and pursued by me, then initiated a chain-reaction of events that opened up a panoramic view to all that is wrong with adoption in the State of New Jersey. [Soon, across the country] Yet still, bureaucratic eyes chose to look the other way.
Speaking of which, it is not known if the outspoken movie actor Rosie O'Donnell knew how serious the nature of Children of the World's problems. I say this because she heavily funded this well-known agency, further claiming to have even worked for them. In March of 2001, she featured [Name edited] on her daytime television show. If one were to view this archived episode of Rosie's talk show, they would experience and feel the dislike in the air whenever mentioned were the two phrases, "Wrongful Adoption, and Birth Father rights."
Nonetheless, what was for the reason of the agency's downfall? __ It stemmed from their failure to recognize an in-house breach of confidentiality. __ The content of a kept Pandora's Box.
"Loosed was a long kept secret, grave of potential. ___A "letter scorned," ______ double-edged, and ___ vindictive of agenda."
"Eerily, and as if with requiting intention, this discovered correspondence of failed extortion would seek and extract reparations."
"Long awaited, was its responding to past invitation given of those who practiced in wrongful adoption, into their lives this letter would creep."
The emancipation of a birth mother authored extortion letter would now show the course of the combined working relationship of [Name edited], and [Name edited]. It was an alliance, when examined would reveal a non-intentional State statute induced conspiracy.
This is the reason, as for one case anyway, why the State of New Jersey has satisfied "it's" investigations and refuses further involvement. Although this case is the only one exposed, it is also the only one within my reach. Not surprisingly, with my found evidence, shown are numerous unaware birth fathers under the same circumstances. Disturbingly, this reflects the wide scope of the problem, and the probable certainty of the same practices employed elsewhere. It also leaves the question of how does the New Jersey State adoption codes affect a case such as this?
New Jersey State adoption statute N.J.S.A. 3:3-39 1[b] [c] was supposed to set a national precedent in adoption law, and it has, but not necessarily for everyone's best interests. Although this statute serves purpose to ease the mind of adoptive parents, it will ultimately flip the conscious of the well-intended adoption attorney. The main problem is that it allows an attorney-aided separation of adoptive parent from birth father if found evidence would lead to their meeting. If these people do not have any knowledge of each other's existence, an adoption finalization is even more secure.
Sadly, this is just one more law applied head-on to circumvent any form of the humanities from interfacing with the fabric of adoption integrity. As for a growing list of facilitators, to allow such would not be conducive to business growth. Invariably, the marketing of newborn children does not effect well when moral accountability rears its ugly head. N.J.S.A. 3:3-39 1[b] [c] insures facilitators and birth mothers that this not be the case.
Although this book, per se, is not about the first and only true mother in this case, yet, mothers are of course the linking start of any adoptive equation. Their input is of great importance, yet hard to obtain. Interestingly, through search, I pieced a small group of willing birth mothers that self-subjected themselves for interview purposed in finding out how the adoption of their newborn child, handled.
Percentage wise, seven out of eleven of these mothers were fine with the adoption agency's handling of the process. Out of these seven mothers, only one voiced feelings of regret about the adoption. Interestingly, she had not qualms as to the possibility of being taken advantage of, or coerced by anybody. This of course, left the final two, and these mothers had a different story to tell.
First, let me state that in each of the eleven cases, the birth mother does not remember if asked by the counselors if they would consider keeping the child with the help of local support and guidance. Nor does their memory recall if given literature by the adoption agency with the printed message encouraging them to keep and raise their baby with assistance provided by available social programs. There are such government printed brochures and linking programs available.
That said, it was the told story of these two birth mothers that the adoption agency informed them only of options that consisted of the different kind of adoptions that might benefit their soon to-be born child. Moreover, it was of their opinion that innuendo of implied guilt, emotional manipulation and the disadvantage of lacking life experience itself, instantly played a role in the adoption decision as soon as they walked in the adoption agency's door.
With the inclusion of the above findings and coupled with this statute's prejudice of the birth father issue, a young soon to-be mother's pregnancy can result in a legal unrecognized coerced wrongful adoption.
As for these types of adoption agencies, their interview sitting rooms might as well have a strategically placed fish tank and a brown leather reclining couch. What is the reason for this Jungian type setting? Although, most adoption counselors are not trained psychologists, the State practically allows psychoanalysis to sway a decision in favor of a placement. Perplexingly, there is not avenue to intervene and prevent these types of proceedings. When there is an exposed case of coercion, our society arbitrarily accepts it as an irrevocable sanctioned adoption despite its suspect beginnings. Of course, this would be largely due in part for the sake of the child.
Sheepishly, we of this society have yet to realize that slowly, each of our existence singularly homogenized into conformity as to the acceptance of the de-humanizing effect that these laws induce. We have become so blind to the truth that when it hits us square in the face the conditioned response is to only wince and withhold issuing public reproof.
"How dare one should blaspheme an act so giving, so selfless?" This being the type of response a voice of dissatisfaction would receive for any disparaging remarks uttered.
Therein lays the genius of those that initiate these Bills for legislation. Having an industry that actually empowers itself by advocating what it also quietly destroys, this guarantees a thriving respectable business, for now.
Since this industry does not take a position on either side of adoption reform, it can work both sides of the issue.
Very few understand that we ourselves have become that very machine. We have become enablers of wrongful adoption through our own passive reaction to this newly enacted non-public voted-in legislation. This legislation of course, wolfishly lobbied right before our jaded eyes with money from an unseen co-op with hidden agenda. That said, what or who is this cash cow? This of course, would consist of a statewide collective of adoption agencies and attorneys, ___ whom might each, could easily be card-carrying members of an underground chapter of the Purveyors Guild of "Unborn Children."
Notice: As unbelievable as it may sound, the above process created the law stated in the next paragraph. This Bill was not involved in the general election process of popular vote. As for it's method of assistance for the stated purpose, my writings will soon explain. However, my writings cannot, nor will not show proved existence of this Guild. Yet, all one has to do is fill in the blanks.
N.J.S.A. 3:3-39 1[b], "The birth parent, except one who cannot be identified or located prior to the placement of the child for adoption shall be offered counseling as to his or her options other than the placement of the child for adoption." [c] "Written notice shall be given to the birth parent, except one who cannot be identified or located prior to the placement of the child for adoption.
The State law below is not part of the adoption code per se, but New Jersey State law just the same. [The separation of simple things creates illusions, explained later.]
N.J.S.A. 2-15 "No surrender of custody by, nor termination of the parental rights of, one parent shall affect the rights of the other parent. Nor may one parent act as the agent or representative of the other parent in the surrender of custody or termination of parental rights." This law simply means that one parent's actions shall not affect the other parent's right to decide
The key words in the newly enacted law are "cannot be identified or located." This specifically implies that the State or its licensed representative must initiate a search for the birth father. How can a State verify a birth father cannot be identified or located?
Based on what kind of evidence would justify as an attempt to locate the birth father. Unless the birth mother revealed this kind of information, the State would have little to go on.
Ten years ago this did not matter, a search had to take place in the birth mother's hometown. In these times past, how did the Department of Human Services prove adherence of State law? It entrusted the handling adoption agency to post a personal ad in the local newspaper. If the birth father was alive and still in the same vicinity, if interested he could the search for this ad and make the necessary changes. This outdated method of statute observation had a success rate of about one percent. Yet, It did work, and served purpose as an attempt to locate, therein making the Department of Human Services and the adoption agency in compliance with State law.
That was how it used to be ten years back. The wording change for the new law gave opportunity to take the birth father aspect completely out of the picture and have absolutely no responsibility should any foul play occur.
If we look at this from a legal view, here is the manipulation of N.J.S.A. 3:3-39 1[b] [c]
Question: If the adoption agency offered, and the birth mother signed and dated an official form stating that as birth mother, the whereabouts and identity of the birthfather are impossible to determine, what would this constitute? Such a validated document would serve State purpose as an attempt to locate the birth father. This would then clear the State of any down the road accusations of not attempting a birth father search. This means no ad in the local newspaper.
A State sanctioned adoption agency attempt to locate and identify by asking the birth mother to provide answer, and she then signs an affidavit, swearing it true. __ Genius!
Fact: Ideally, a most effective body of a law for the prevention of birth father involvement in an adoption would consist of denied rights of rules of adoption notification regardless of circumstance. The bottom line though, such callous and severe State issued denial of birth father rights package in Bill form would never get through the legislative process. This would have been the case, regardless if backed with a cash cow the size of a whale. Even the most passive of people not interested in politics would spot such a discriminatory of purpose law. The red flag of unethical lobbied interests would raise high.
The above facts are something a respected State legislation would dare not endorse as a Bill. However, to introduce a Bill that would change two words and in essence accomplish the same thing, a legislative stroke of genius. The result?
If a State law allowed birth mothers, the power to deny rights of rules of adoption notification it would put the responsibility on said birth mother. Since a birth father might not have married the birth mother, the signed affidavit negates N.J.S.A. 2-15. In legal terms, there is not a birth father for the birth mother to act as his agent. The State cannot remove the birth father from the adoption process, but the birth mother and their pen sure can! This also would absolve any condition of perceived guilt on the State and private enterprise level. With the State squeaky clean, there would not be reason to search for the purposed agenda of those that heavily lobbied Bills.
With one stroke of a New Jersey-issued pen, two State statutes eviscerated, without mess!
With the birth mother's signature, quietly, N.J.S.A. 3:3-39 1[b] [c] becomes a State sanctioned, legal and functionally working birth mother set "trap door spider" apparatus which, through attrition a very small percentage of birth fathers fall prey. As for the "Guild," it is a trap, which needs not maintenance. [Most birth fathers do not want to follow the trail as few are reported missing.]
It works on the long-term principle that money spent by the Bill's initiators, after time, will soon offset and turn into profits. With each birth father trapped, is another chance of a non-interrupted adoption status to finalization.
The "integrity" of the "Guilds" odds-enhancing Bill turned Statute lies with the pursed lips of the birth mother.
The enactment of this Bill is the result of our indifference to the power of legislators once they are in the seat of power. These people were fully aware of the intended purpose of N.J.S.A. 3: 3-39 1[b], [c].
These people are the real Triad of the adoption world!
Being of Guild construction, this hamstrung New Jersey statute also allows itself used as a tool for conspirators of a silent partnership of collusion. Allowed, is one party to be officially ignorant of certain critical information. This is the margin needed for total exoneration should one or the other be implicated of foul play. After reading this book, it will bring up the question; do we really know what goes on behind an adoption agency's closed doors, or the State's for that matter?
That said, it has taken me close to four years of my unaided investigations to force the closure of this "not what it seems" adoption agency. This company, Children of the World, whom I consider "purveyors of small children and the unborn," canceled their scheduled hearing before the New Jersey Office of Administrative Law. They opted not to appear before sitting Judge Carol Cohen to counter revocation measures taken against their adoption license. This non-action immediately led to a cease and desist order at their place of business located in Verona, New Jersey.
The forced closure of Children of the World primarily happened because they knew that fighting the charges would result in a futile attempt to clear their name. Instead, Margaret Morrissey, and the other board members of this skulking adoption agency opted to sink silently below the waves. They chose this manner of corporate suicide as opposed to an open public display of what would have been their self-written journalistic embarrassment. Not to mention, the embarrassment of others...
Although Rosie O'Donnell only funds this agency, it is the same one used in the adoption of her children. In interest, if not coincidental, she jokingly made some curious statements in her interview on the Larry King live Show. Her inferences were of adoption agencies possibly handling adoptions as if ordering a child from a mail-order catalog. [Quotes forthcoming]
Ms. O'Donnell's light-hearted quips were right on target. To accomplish such, the only thing needed for an attorney coerced Identified Adoption is a willing birth mother, and an "unknown" birth father. Moreover, should a placement be red-flagged, New Jersey provides the assurance of State statute sanctuary for its attorneys, ___ if necessary.
In my findings, the boldness of this adoption scandal traces to roots firmly imbedded in this New Jersey State statute. [Read earlier.] It has become the perfect place of retreat for the architect of these covert maneuvers should they be discovered. The key to their success is that they fabricate nothing, withholding information then passing it off when it gets too hot becomes the formula worked.
Unless of course, a remembrance from out of their loop, but with a hunger just as representative as their own greed, materializes via a long forgotten R.S.V.P... __ Honor amongst thieves? ___ Forgotten quickly, are manners after the dinner bell rang a long time ago....
Like an unwanted dinner guest, the birth mothers treacherous "letter", had returned, replete with changed agenda. Ironically, this entity commenced to issue its own invitations, __ soon served, would be the last of a standing truth.
As executive director of this adoption agency, Ms. Serio was a major player in an outright fraud that turned. In the end, by her own hand, dealt was she a career-ending learned lesson for the keep of bad association. For it can be said of unscrupulous adoption attorneys, "when tables turn, they do possess one redeeming quality, ___ the fact that they are cannibalistic."
Yet, of my own personal disillusionment, is a disconcerting government issue of law quotation that was the most disturbing discovery.
This statement sounds absurd but it is true. In fact, when it comes to child adoption in the State of New Jersey, these "powers that be" claimed, I quote, "your grievance, even if true, would not constitute ethical misconduct or incapacity." For this, we can thank the State adoption statute.
As birth fathers and rights continue living a fate caught in the gloaming of legislative recognition, the risk of wrongful adoption becoming a trend in your State is a distinct possibility.
Alarmingly, and in ironic consequence of its application, when the acting Governor of New Jersey signed this law into effect in 1998, its intent was to eclipse horrific judicial decisions. Mainly, this law's intention was to curtail the heart-ripping post-adoption reversal of child placements. However, as for the qualified persons of trust concerning the above matter I ask, is there anything more horrific than casting a blind eye towards a birth father desperately seeking the whereabouts of his soon to be born child? If it was not for money, what other reason could there be for such negligence? ____ Pork rinds, anyone?
This leads me to leave a word of note to the legislators of law in the State that is New Jersey: "As for commonsense Sirs, Madams, would it not be best to stop an unwanted escalation of a problem at ground zero?"
Instead, New Jersey blindly, if not purposely enacted the above-mentioned quick-fix law that targeted a specific area. This of course after ten years of adoptions led to inherent complications that would need review by the Attorney General's office.
How does this office deal with the influx of problems? They do not, quietly, without announcement, case by case; each is reverted to the Department of Human Services. Then in a singular manner, the Division of Youth and Family Services-Office of Licensing [DYFS-OOL] attain each disposition by either finding the offending adoption agency innocent or guilty of a menial citation. It then claims non-jurisdiction as to issue subpoena of attorneys, and/or birth mothers. However, before any of these solutions are tried the DYFS-OOL waits for birth father involvement in the form of a complaint.
This leaves the all-important question. Who benefits from this single facet law? It is those that lobbied for its enactment.
Nonetheless, as for the past ten years with this law in place, cleared were any residual bumps on the runway. Since then, catered first were the prearranged specialty adoptions. As for the children already awaiting adoption, __ they stayed waiting for adoption. They are the last to be recognized. As long as infants steadily flown to their respective awaiting parents, everything is fine. It does not matter that a selective long-term adoption process initiated eighty percent of these placements.
In time the percentage of this lopsided swing, will in turn leave obvious clues as to its own future dynamics failure. This "Bun in the oven done, pay as you go" checkout line ease of adoption offerings is just that, too easy! That said adoption reformists must pick up these clues.
Not surprisingly, with these "user friendly" laws in place, this situation when viewed with wide-angled lens produces an unforeseen phenomenon. Found it seems, is that the industry's over-worked corps of storks that have been delivering these bundles of joy do not look so well. They suffer from what I call, "Over-Corrective Feather-Plucking Syndrome." Simply put, now everybody wants the pre-selected baby; the State approves and the Guild accommodates. [Fully explained later.]
Can there be change? Will there be change? There had better, how long before these adoption agencies, and adoption attorney's start accommodating repeat birth mothers, a farm system? Some mothers see opportunity and potential which easily can swing their way. In no time at all, realized is a major business aspect of which, control is theirs alone. __ This would be the negotiated price for a full-term pre-natal cared-for, live birth baby! This would also include all the certifying paper work that clears the child of Down's syndrome, physical defects, and documented pre-natal illegal drug-use random screenings of the birth mother.
How much money does this cost the adoptive parents? Upwards of seventy to one-hundred thousand dollars, as it would depend on which package chosen.
Interestingly, just as a package deal led to the self-published message of this book, it compares same as big name publishers rejecting my manuscript. This is not unlike having people shy away from the ugly side of adoption. It seems as if only the sunny side of this human equation makes the formed, cropped, and bound pages of a book sold by these media moguls. If one would take a quick look at bookstore shelves, pro-adoption out number wrongful adoption books three to one.
Receiving my first rejection slip, though disheartening, did make me realize something. New Jersey's position on adoption law led me to question the earlier mentioned suppression of my forum posts on a certain blog website. In my opinion, the administration of this site was definitely of the conservative right. Therefore, as far as political lines go, it was ironic of purpose, that when my posts mentioned Rosie O'Donnell and Children of the World both not glowing of presence, it was at that point when they began to edit these posts without my permission.
This comedian is a conservative thinking person's public enemy number one. Ms. O'Donnell's quotes and opinions on suspected United State's involvement in the 9/11 tragedy drew more than just the ire of said conservatives. There were radical left-wingers making threats on her person based on these statements! Considering that, the website took exception to my views on wrongful adoption, what is the chance of them sharing my opinion on the necessity for child adoption reform? Next to none I would think. The reason for this is can be explained with one simple fact. If a conservative group will go out of the way to defend the integrity of a Rosie O'Donnell funded adoption agency despite it's illegal practices, this group is not about to change their established views on adoption anytime soon.
How then, does this conservative right wing defense of a Ms. O'Donnell interest, compare as to strength of resolve in their opposition of adoption reform? As an analogy, Winston Churchill once quoted, "If Hitler invaded Hell, __ I would make at least a favorable reference to the devil in the House of Commons."
This battle for adoption reform will be a tough challenge for us. This is especially true when the media is pro adoption on all issues. [Industry bought?] Nonetheless, as for equality and fair play, found was a Winston Churchill quote that suited this author's perspective, "We shall fight them on the beaches..."
Laws that allow such unethical behavior must not continue to redeem non-action stances taken by greedy adoption attorneys. We are not talking about missing pennies after an accounting of the day's receipts. These are missing children in the hearts of whole families, not just birth fathers.
Considering the waves I hope this book generates, a foreboding thought has come to my attention. I have become a person non-grata in the eyes of this Garden State's government and its "acquaintances." My "re-investigations" are responsible for the enflamed ire of a Department of Human Services, steeped in traditional Soprano-like values. [Just look at any New Jersey newspaper] Accordingly, the well-funded and lobbied State statute, which is now set in concrete, prompted me to consider the possibility of the following....
After this information comes out in the media there are going to be some "people with clout" that do not like what they read. This observation soon popped into my head after writing the first paragraph of this book. It also put some eerie thoughts in my mind... For one thing, the New York Mets are in need of a new baseball facility, as Shea Stadium has seen its better years. At what risk do I take to end up sharing the same zip code as Jimmy Hoffa?
Realistically speaking, it is doubtful that my future holds next to oblivious martyred enshrinement in the foundation matrix that supports a new Mets baseball stadium... However, there was the case of, ___Whitewater?
Although, some things have changed since I started writing this book, it will remain written as it evolved. The reason for this is to enable the reader to see the depth of ineptitude that the New Jersey, Division of Youth and Family Services have let themselves sink in this case. Inserted accordingly are the inclusions of newly acquired information, including the revealing next to last chapter.
That I may say without risk that the reader will believe what they "hear."
"You're not going to believe this story."