Early Pregnancy Signs and Symptoms: 15 Ways to Know

Are trying to conceive a little miracle? Or, are you concerned you might be pregnant? There are pregnancy signs or symptoms that might indicate that you've got a bun in the oven.

St. Patrick's Day 2005, and November 20, 2007, were two of the happiest days of my life. I learned that my precious little boy, and the baby I am currently expecting, were on the way. I didn't have many signs or symptoms of pregnancy, but I did have a few. Some women may not have any signs that they are pregnant, others might meet all on the list. Pregnancy signs are one way to know it's time to take a pregnancy test. If you think you might be pregnant, here are some signs to watch for.

Sore or Tender Breasts

I chose this one first because this is the first sign that I noticed. Breast tenderness happens because your body starts producing more estrogen and progesterone. The increase causes more blood flow to the breasts, which will result in tenderness. For most mothers-to-be, this sign isn't really that bothersome. But if it is, you can treat it buy wearing loose cotton bras (avoid under wire bras), and applying heat to the area. I personally did not think it was discomforting enough for treatment. The symptom completely disappeared by the 10th week or so with my first pregnancy. With my second, I had it off and on into the 3rd trimester.

Implantation Bleeding

Not all women will have this symptom, but some will When the fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus, it might result in some light bleeding. Some women mistakenly thing that this might be their period. It is not like a normal period, however, is very light and usually brownish or pink. If it does happen, it will normally be about a week before you would expect your period. Approximately 1/3 of pregnant women experience this symptom. I was not one of them.

Strong Sense of Smell

I had this symptom a few weeks into both of my pregnancies. I would notice odors and smells that I hadn't noticed before. The best way to treat this symptom is to avoid being around the smells that bother you. For example,don't cook certain foods if the smell makes you uncomfortable. It really didn't bother me a bit, it was just something I noticed.

Darkening of the Areolas

Your body starts getting ready for breastfeeding very early in pregnancy. One of the ways it prepares is through the darkening of the aerolas - the area around the nipple. I have heard that this is so the baby will see the nipples better, or perhaps it is just because of an increase in blood flow to the breasts. It is a very common symptom. It has lasted throughout both of my pregnancies.

Missed Period

In some cases, this is the only pregnancy symptom that women notice. Menstruation ceases in pregnancy since your body is supporting another life. However, some women will have spotting that can be confused as a period. If you have missed your period, it is probably time to take a pregnancy test.

Nausea / Vomiting

Nearly all women have heard about "morning sickness" or nausea during pregnancy. It is caused by an increase in hormones. It is a myth however, that all women experience it. In fact, only about 50% of women have nausea. It is also a myth that it only happens in the morning - actually it can happen at any time of day, some women have "all day sickness." With my first pregnancy, I only had about 5 times total where I felt nauseated, and I only threw up once. With my second one, I only felt nauseous once or twice, and I never vomited. To help prevent or control nausea, try to eat small meals throughout the day to keep your blood sugar levels even. Eat snacks that are high in protein and avoid fatty foods. See the links section for a link to a helpful article on treating morning sickness. If the nausea is very severe your doctor can prescribe medicine to help control it. It usually disappears completely after the first trimester. I did not have any nausea after about the 10th week or so.


I definitely experienced more fatigue and lethargy with both of my pregnancies. This sign is also caused by an influx in hormones. Unfortunately, it has lasted throughout all three trimesters for me for the most part. The best treatment is to simply get lots of rest and avoid stressful activities that may wear you out.

Food Cravings or Aversions

Many people have heard about food cravings during pregnancy. I personally really had no cravings in my first pregnancy. With this one, I craved grapefruit for about the first trimester but that was about it. It is not unusual for women to crave odd food combinations, such as pickles and ice cream, however many women do not experience food cravings. Some women might crave odd, non-edible things such as chalk and dirt. It is important to speak with your doctor or nurse about this, as it could be a sign of anemia or another condition. The best way to handle cravings (for edible foods) is to allow yourself to eat what you want. However, don't go overboard, such as eat an entire cheesecake. If you are craving something non-edible, it might not be a wise choice to eat it, although more than likely it won't hurt the baby. You can never be too careful, however, ask your doctor for advice. You might also have aversions, which means you find some foods repulsive. I did not have aversions in my first pregnancy, but I had some aversions to junk food and meat in my second.

Irritability / Moodiness

This is a common sign of pregnancy, however it's also a common side that your period is about to start. Just because you're a little grouchier than normal doesn't always mean you're pregnant, but it could be a sign. I personally did not have this symptom, fortunately. If you do experience this, and it is affecting your relationships and activities of life, the best thing to do is to talk with your doctor. You also might try to avoid situations (if at all possible) that are stressful.


I did not have headaches with my first pregnancy, but I did experience it with this current one. Again, the increase in hormones may cause some headaches. I believe that stress can cause them as well. If the headache is unbearable, you can take tylenol, as it is a safer medicine to use in pregnancy, but I would try my best to avoid taking it, if at all possible. Consult your physician for more advice. The best thing to do is to try to relax (if feasible), stay away from bright light, and wait for the headache to go away.

Frequent Urination

This is a symptom I have experienced in my pregnancies. The increased blood flow to the uterus can cause you to have to urinate more often. Also, as the bladder grows, it will cause more pressure on the bladder, having you to go to restroom more frequently. For me, this symptom seemed to come and go throughout the pregnancy. Be sure to discuss this with your doctor. At your appointments, you will be screened for a UTI. A UTI can also cause frequent urination and needs to be treated or it might cause complications.

Body Temperature Stays High

This is obviously not a sign that most women will notice. It is usually most discovered by women who have been taking their temperatures for awhile - usually to pinpoint ovulation. I was not charting, however, I went to the doctor a few days before I found out I was pregnant with #1 and my temperature was 97 something. I figured I wasn't but I was!


Obviously, this is a very common sign of pending menstruation, so having cramps doesn't necessarily mean you're pregnant. However, it can be a sign. I did not have them, but it is not uncommon for pregnant mothers to experience cramping (along with slight bleeding) in the early days of pregnancy. It is caused by a growing uterus.. If the cramping is very severe, talk to your doctor. It can be treated with tylenol, but like I mentioned before, I would try to avoid all medicines if possible. You can take a quick warm (but not hot) bath and see if that helps a little.


I did not have this sign either, but it is common to have changes in bowel movements early in pregnancy. The hormones can sometimes cause your bowels to relax, and therefore become constipated. The best treatment for this is to eat a lot of fiber, prunes, etc. Ask your doctor for advice if necessary.

Vaginal Discharge

Vaginal discharge is another common sign of pregnancy, but it can also be a sign of other things as well. The increase in estrogen will cause you to have more discharge. If it is foul or not white/clear in color, be sure to tell your doctor.

Remember, the best pregnancy sign is a positive pregnancy test. All of these symptoms could indicate pregnancy, but you could also not be pregnant as well.

If you need additional information, or have questions, the best thing to do is talk with your doctor, nurse, or another health care provider. Remember that not everything you read on the internet is true. While pregnancy forums are very helpful and have many benefits, your doctor is the best resource.