The Top Ten Greatest Reasons Why It's Great Being Pregnant
My experiences have to be some of the most common, but some may not be so common. Being pregnant is tough, and by far one of the hardest 9 months for a women to go through. Here, we look at the positives of being pregnant. During my nine months of pregnancy, I never gained so much knowledge and truth on how a woman really feels to be pregnant. It's more than just having a baby, it's carrying another human inside yourself, it's a miracle. Here were my top ten favorite things about being pregnant.1. The Belly

2. The Baby's Movements
To feel your creation move inside of you is a feeling like no other. I guarantee when you feel your baby move for the first time, it will be of great joy to both you and your partner. As the days go by and the baby gets bigger, the movements will eventually be normal to you, and nothing weird. Being able to see their little nubs of their hands and head roll around your stomach is the greatest and proudest thing to watch, for you are the one that has made the baby grow.
3. The Food
After the morning sickness (if any) settles down, everything edible will look good to you. I caught myself trying foods I never knew existed, my taste buds were running out of control, probably because nothing could satisfy my, or should I say, our, hunger.
4. The Gifts
Everyone gets so generous when baby's are about to be born. Not to mention the baby shower gifts, then the hospital gifts, then more gifts when they come to visit! They seemed like they didn't stop. You have overloads of clothes because the babies grow out of them so quickly, so when it comes to yard sale time, you will always have something to sell!
5. The Waiting
Although I must say waiting was the hardest part, it was the best part. I believe this because waiting made me have a chock full of thoughts of what my baby would feel like, look like, all the above. The best part was, I wouldn't know until she was born. When she was finally born and I got to see her for the first time, it made waiting worth every minute and second to me.
6. No Work
Need I say more?
7. Your Man
Your husband or boyfriend will be a whole other person with you being pregnant. You will see them do things for you that you never thought possible. (This is if you are with a winner here, folks.) He will pull a star out of a sky for you once he sees that belly start to pop. It was amazing to me how the attitude just changed over a thing that seemed so simple. It was great.
8. Your Hair, Skin and Nails
Those prenatal pills do more for just the baby; all the vitamins and nutrients in them make a couple parts of your body grow. I never had so many compliments on how shiny my hair looked, and also on my skin. The daily intake of the prenatal pills really did wonders for each, and also made my nails grow longer and stronger than ever before!
9. Getting Ready
Nothing made me happier than setting up my baby's room. The bassinet was the best part, the hardest part was waking up to nothing in it, and just having to wait. I would add a new stuffed animal to it every now and then, or sometimes take on away. It was weird, the nesting process really set in about a week before I had my baby. I wanted to clean everything - if I could have vacuumed my vacuum, I would have. For that simple fact, pregnancy was great for me because I am definitely an unorganized person as it is.
10. The Hospital
This may be an unusual part of the Ten Best Things about Being Pregnant article, but the hospital stay was my favorite. I love hospitals, and I have no idea why. Maybe it's the treatment, maybe it's just the huge facility. But staying on the labor floor made my day. Especially enjoying the fact that I was able to visit the other babies in the nursery (look at them through the window) and get waited on hand and foot, can you ask for more? I don't think so.
So, enjoy being pregnant, it doesn't last forever. It will be over before you know it! My baby's almost two and I can't even remember her weighing 6 pounds, it's unreal to me.