The world has long been fascinated with twins. Twins are double the fun, and double the trouble, yet people from all over the world are fascinated with them. Many women who are trying to conceive a child find themselves playing with idea of having twins. Identical twins are a fluke of nature and happen randomly and can't be influenced, however, the incidence of fraternal twins can be! Here are some things you can do to increase your likelihood of getting pregnant with fraternal twins.
Fertility medications
Using fertility medications such as Clomid or Follistim may increase your chances of getting pregnant with twins. These medications stimulate the ovaries to produce more eggs, and with this increased egg production, there is an increased chance of conceiving multiples. Be careful though, some of these medications carry a higher risk of high order multiples, such as triplets and quadruplets as well!
Folic Acid
Women who take folic acid are much more likely to conceive twins than women who do not. Folic acid is important for women trying to conceive a child as folic acid plays an important role in preventing neural tube defects in the baby, such as spina bifida. New research, however, indicates that folic acid could increase a woman's likelihood of having twins by nearly twice as much.
Eating a diet high in dairy may be related to an increased likelihood of conceiving twins. Research conducted by Dr. Gary Steinman, a famous researcher in the subject of twinning, suggests that women who consume dairy and animal products, in comparison to vegan women, were as much as five times as likely to conceive twins than their vegan counterparts. Milk is a great source of calcium, but could help you double your conception!
The older a woman is, the more likely she is to have twins. Women in their thirties and forties are much more likely to conceive twins than women in their late teens and twenties. Waiting until you're older can greatly increase your chances of having twins, however, it could also increase the risk of maternal complications and chromosomal problems such as Down syndrome.
A special type of yam that is abundant in west Africa known as cassava could increase a woman's chance of conceiving twins. You can't just eat any type of yam; it has to be cassava. Women living in west Africa, where cassava is a dietary staple have a twinning rate four times as high as the rest of the world. Using a cassava supplement could help boost your own chances of co