Herbs to Avoid During Pregnancy

Using herbs instead of medications is becoming more popular. It's scary enough when it's just the individual. If you are a pregnant woman you need to be extra careful. Some herbs can do damage to both you and your unborn child.

Uterine Contractions: Several herbs can do this. Some are mild, like chamomile. That doesn't make them safe. You may be able to use it without untoward events in one pregnancy and have it cause miscarriage in another.

Other herbs are stronger and will either cause a miscarriage outright or (if it's time) cause labor to begin. Blue cohosh is the strongest one I'm aware of…and the most dangerous. While it could bring on labor and make it go more quickly it also raises blood pressure of both the mother and the child. Babies have been born in the process of having a heart attack when the mother has taken this herb.

Birth Defects: Some herbs can cause birth defects. Aloe vera is a good example. It can also cause uterine contractions so there are two very good reasons to avoid it. The problem seems to be caused by ingestion rather than topical applications, though both should be avoided. There are other, safer remedies if you suffer a burn.

Hormones: Pregnancy alters a woman's hormones quite enough. Adding herbs that contain estrogen like substances does not help. Black cohosh is a good example in this category. It is often given, along with blue cohosh, to start or hurry labor and delivery. Neither are good ideas.

There is a persistent myth that if you take enough laxatives you will start labor. This is not true. Senna, aloe and other herbal laxatives can cause cramping and diarrhea. If labor happens to start while you're still feeling the effects of these herbs it will be much more uncomfortable, probably messy and having a baby and a bowel movement at the same time is something I don't even want to imagine, though it has probably happened.

The best way to find out which herbs are safe and which aren't is to talk to your OB, your pharmacist and a qualified herbal practitioner. Never start taking herbs on your own and always clear it with your doctor. The doctor knows your medical history and how your pregnancy is progressing.

Mary Bodel has been interested in medicine from an early age. Her particular interests are herbal remedies and eldercare. She started studying herbal remedies in 1981 and achieved the status of master herb...

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