Having Babies Has Come a Long Way

The Role Technology Plays in Those First Nine Months

I know when I first got pregnant, which was 25 years ago, I was amazed at how they had so many modern ways to know about the pregnancy and the baby as it grows. Who knew how far it would progress over the next 25 years.

Ultrasounds - These are so amazing. This wondrous machine has become a standard part of your doctors visit, your prenatal care and a welcome one at that. Originally designed to confirm your babies tiny and quick heartbeat, the type of pregnancy ultrasounds would soon screen for so much more.

You can count on a good look at the growth of the fetus, your placenta location as well as the umbilical cord and, of course, they get a great look at the babies anatomy. You really need to be in a clear agreement with your partner whether or not you want to know the babies sex, because it will be very clear to the doctor.

How an ultrasound is performed - Get ready for something cold and slimy to get rubbed on your bell,y because this is needed in order for the "transducer" or wand to do it's magic as they slide it around your stomach to get various views of your baby.

These are sound waves that are emitted and they basically bounce off of your baby and create an image. Most doctors will send you home with a picture of your baby or several so that you can share these with your family and friends. I thought this was just amazing and with my second child, I was given a VHS video of them, simply amazing!

3D Ultrasound technology
- Many doctors have stepped up their game with the purchase of these newly designed machines. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words and with the photograph that you will leave with after this ultrasound you will have much to say about your baby.

You can find pictures of these ultrasounds online and they are simply amazing, you can really see such detail, some say they can even see the little hairs sticking up or the baby sucking their thumb.

Like I said, we have come a long way since I had my children but imagine what it was like for those pioneer women when giving birth and their doctor visits. I have to say that I am all to glad to be part of what was their future and look forward to my children experiencing this amazing process.