Women Who Wait: Getting Pregnant in Your 30's & 40's

Nowadays, many women are waiting until their thirties or even forties to have children. It's been a huge change from a few decades ago, when most women were pregnant, and done having their children before they even turned thirty. Being career driven, waiting for financial stability, finding the perfect partner, or just second-guessing the thought of starting a family, are just a few reasons women are delaying the idea of having children.
Many wonder if it's a good thing, or a bad thing, and have juggled the pro's and con's of waiting or not waiting. The aspect of "trying" after multiple unsuccessful attempts, is also a denominator that hopeful mothers in their thirties and forties have to deal with. This can be a physically and emotionally draining experience, and regrets of waiting may come into mind. Questions like, "Why did I wait so long?" or "Is there really a perfect time?," or "Was I being too selfish?" are just a few ideas that can flow through a woman's mind.

Well I just wanted to write an article, to help ease these hopeful mothers' minds, and bring some light to what may seem like a hopeless battle. Hope the following words can help.

-Don't worry about the past, or the future, for that matter. "Woulda, coulda, and shoulda," need to be completely wiped out of your vocabulary. What you can control is where you are right now. That's it. And be content with the place you are in your life, no matter where it is. We're not promised tomorrow, but at least we got today.

-Patience is a virtue, and a virtue may someday be a baby. I know they say, it will happen, when it's supposed to happen. But what do you do when you want the "happen" time to be now? What you do is still give it more time, but when you feel you've given it enough time, then give it hope.

-You shouldn't have to be secretive, or unwilling to share what you're going through. This time can be hard, but you and your partner don't have to go through it alone. Tell your family, your girlfriends, your co-workers, or anyone else you feel will be there to not judge you, but just support you. The more positive energy you surround yourself with, the better.

-And enjoy yourself. This is an exciting time, not a daunting one. You've been responsible enough by this point, to know that you deserve this. So don't stress about it, and have fun doing it.

Hopefully these ideas will help make the baby-making process an easier one. Stay positive, and one day that stick will give you a positive reading as well.