Pregnancy Advice I Wish I Received

Advice Pregnant Women Never Talk About

When you are pregnant, it seems like everyone has unsolicited advice for you. From "how to tell if your having a boy or girl," or "how to sleep," to "what to eat or not eat." It's what people love to do best. I, however, don't recall getting any advice that was helpful. So, I decided to come up with a list of things I wish someone had told me from my own pregnancy experience:

1. It's okay to formula feed, despite breast being "best"

I had always assumed that breastfeeding would be one of the easiest and most natural things to do. But it just wasn't meant to be - I couldn't breast feed. The first few weeks with my new son were so heartbreaking for me. I was offered so much advice on how to hold him, how to pump, and even had nurses plopping my boobs in my son's mouth for me, just for him to spit it out and turn his head away. Never once did anyone say to me "It's OK to feed him formula." I found that once I did, my son would bond with me as well as if I breast fed him, and he would be just as happy and healthy.

2. Less is best!, get only as needed.

What I mean by this is you shouldn't stress yourself trying to get all the baby must haves and researching what's best, safest, fashionable. I spent months searching for the best baby changer and guess what? You want to know where my son was changed 99.9% of the time? Our bed! It was a better height for me, and gave me a bigger surface to place his changing items, PLUS the drawers in the bed fit everything that needed to be put away. Don't get me wrong, shopping for baby is a lot of fun but most of the time you will not use it.

3. It's more then okay to accept offers for babysitting

Who doesn't love a newborn baby? A toddler whose got the tantrums won't be receiving as many offers. However, if you do receive an offer, then by all means take them up on it even if it's just so you can shower, cook a meal, use the toilet or more importantly take a nap.

4. Keep a emergency diaper bag in the car

It takes some getting used to carry one around, and with the impending newborn diaper blow outs, you will be glad you had a back up. What I wished I was told was to put a shirt in the bag for myself for when my son spits up, pees or poops on his favorite target (because if it's going to happen, it will happen away from home) and you may not be going home right away!

5. Point it down!

This may seem obvious but no one ever forewarns you. To prevent a leak with boy diapers be sure to point his pee pee downwards when changing.

6. Never be ashamed to ask for help

I remember being in line at the grocery store when my son was only a few weeks old, and he spit up everywhere. I was so thankful to the lady behind me who had three kids. She quickly offered me a big handful of wet wipes and my son was soon cleaned up. Her kindness taught me to never be ashamed to ask for help. We all need it at some point and there are millions of moms who have stood in our shoes beforehand.

7. Try not to buy clothes with lots of snaps or buttons

Baby clothes can be some of the most adorable little things you've ever seen. However, dealing with lots of buttons or snaps for late night or early morning changes can drive you crazy. If you are anything like me, you will be nervous enough to handle your new baby. So try to think of the practicality of the clothes first before buying.

8. Lastly try to relax and enjoy it

Your new adventure will go by so fast. The first few months really are the easiest so have fun, enjoy parenthood, and enjoy your child!

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