Ease the Financial Burden of Adoption With Fundraising

Adoption, whether domestic or international, has become increasingly expensive over the years. Though more and more companies are offering reimbursement for adoption expenses to their employees, those companies are still in the minority. According to Conceive Magazine, a survey in 2008 showed that only 16 percent of companies offered adoption assistance, while 20 percent of companies offered assistance in 2007. Currently adoption is costing between $10,000 and $50,000, a range that varies greatly due to so many factors. Even though the average adoption costs about $30,000, most people simply do not have that kind of money sitting in their bank accounts. Adoptive couples are not all wealthy. Many of them are the working middle class who simply desire to expand their family through adoption.

That's where adoption fundraising comes in. Fundraising is a great way to get family and friends involved in the process of your adoption, all while raising money at the same time. It is also a great way to spread the word about your journey and to raise awareness for those who might not know what the adoption process is like. Below is a list of popular adoption fundraisers and other fundraising websites that you can utilize to help raise money.

One Hundred Good Wishes is a website where adoptive couples can create a page with information and pictures about their adoption journey. Family and friends can visit their page, and by making a donation, they can offer a "wish" to the adoptive couple. Donations are sent directly to the recipient's PayPal account. There are no fees to use this service but couples must be homestudy approved in order to sign up for an account.

147 Million Orphans is an organization that was started by two adoptive moms and their desire to help orphans around the world. Their website sells merchandise and apparel and the profits are used to help children in need. They also have specific fundraising gear for adoptive families to be able to raise money for their adoption costs. Verification from the couple's adoption agency or homestudy agency is required, but homestudy completion is not. Once the application is completed, the approval for fundraising is good for 12 months.

Adoption Bug is a website that sells great adoption apparel and also offers adoption fundraising. Couples can create an online store on Adoption Bug's website and sell up to six designs of T-shirts, which include up to two custom designs. Up to 45 percent of the sales go directly to the adoptive couple. There are no start-up costs and no minimum orders are required.

A Mother's Love is a fundraising website for both adoption and infertility. The founder of the organization is Valerie Gagnon, an adoptive mother herself who helps organize fundraisers for couples going through adoption or infertility treatments. Couples can request a fundraising packet for a nominal fee of $25, which includes magnet samples and a number of fundraising catalogs.

Anna Bears Adoption Fundraising sells T-shirts and stuffed bears to raise money for adoption. The logos are for both U.S. and international adoptions. The website specifies that you may either purchase products in bulk to sell or presell the items and then place your order through the website.

Flower Power Fundraising is not a website just for adoptive couples but for all schools, churches, and organizations that wish to raise money for a good cause. This fundraising website has the option to do catalog fundraising, online fundraising, or a combination of the two. The fundraising organization receives 50 percent of the profits from each sale.

FundRazr is a website that allows people and organizations to raise money via Facebook for any cause, including adoption. It's free to set up and allows the creator to spread the word about their fundraising through Facebook, Twitter, or email. The recipient does pay a fee per donation, which includes all PayPal transaction fees. A Facebook account and PayPal account are required.

Gotcha Gift Registry is a unique website that allows adoptive couples to create a gift registry to help raise money for their adoption. The items in your registry can include things such as legal fees, homestudy fees, and travel expenses. The website allows couples to create a profile page, journal page, gift registry, and guestbook. The cost to create a webpage is $150, which lasts for the duration of your adoption plus 90 days after that. A 10 percent administrative fee is also added to the gift amount that is paid by those who make donations to your registry.

Just Love Coffee Roasters is a website that sells fair-trade specialty coffees. It was started by an adoptive father of a child from Ethiopia and has a fundraising program for adoptive couples. The fundraising can be done during any stage of the adoption process, from the homestudy phase to a post-adoption period of up to 12 months. Adoptive couples earn $5 per bag of coffee and will receive a link to their own fundraising webpage for family and friends to visit and make purchases.

Ladybug Blessings is a website that sells natural handmade bath products, candles, and lip balm. Their fundraising section has many options available, from selling their entire line of products to just a few select items. Fundraising can be completed online or face-to-face, though the website states that you receive more money when selling products directly.

Pure Charity is an online fundraising website that helps you earn money for adoption by shopping at their partner websites. When family and friends make purchases at places like Walmart and Target, a percentage of their purchase will be donated to your adoption fund.

The Rescue ONE Project offers both adoption grants as well as fundraisers by selling African jewelry. This fundraiser benefits both the adoptive couple raising money as well as the widows and refugees of Kenya who make the jewelry.

There are plenty of other ways to raise money for adoption. Many couples open an Etsy account and sell their handicrafts for the specific purpose of raising money for adoption. Others hold a garage or bake sale or organize an online auction. With the right tools and a supportive community, adoption can be an affordable option for creating a family and realizing your dreams of parenthood.