Six Early Pregnancy Symptoms I Experienced in my First Week

When I found out I was pregnant, it was the happiest day of my life. Little did I know my body was going to feel like it had been taken over by aliens. These are the symptoms I was experiencing the week I found out I was pregnant.

Early Pregnancy Symptom #1 Needing to use the bathroom all the time

The week I found out I was pregnant I was constantly running to the bathroom. I could not go for more than an hour or two at a time without making a pit stop. I thought that maybe I was getting a urinary tract infection.

Nighttime was the worst. I would just fall asleep and then be woken up with the need to use the bathroom. This would happen several times throughout the night. This was actually one of the reasons I thought I could be pregnant.

To lessen the trips to the bathroom at night I began to limit the amount I would drink in the evenings. This helps some, but the nighttime bathroom trips were still a regular occurrence.

Early Pregnancy Symptom #2 Nausea

One of the pregnancy symptoms I had the week I found out I was pregnant was nausea. From the time I got up in the morning my stomach felt like it was doing flip-flops. The smell of certain foods made me turn green. I never actually threw up in the first few weeks of pregnancy though.

I think I would have felt better had I been able to throw up. I tried eating crackers in the morning before I got out of bed. That did not really help too well. I also tried drinking Ginger ale. It would help for a little while. I ate only bland foods. I tried to avoid being around where food was cooking.

I could not wear any perfume or lotion that was scented. Going to the store was miserable. My stomach just could not take so many different fragrances. I did find that if I sucked on a piece of peppermint candy my stomach would settle for a little bit.

The nausea only got worse as my pregnancy went along. I started vomiting around eight weeks. I would throw up several times a day. I still to this day do not understand why they called it morning sickness.

Early Pregnancy Symptom #3 Tired

The first week I found out I was pregnant I was more tired than usual. I was a night owl. I would stay up until at least one or two watching TV. Suddenly I could not make it past ten o clock. It was all I could do to drag myself out of bed in the morning. I would get up, use the bathroom, and go right to the couch. I spent the first four months of my pregnancy on the couch.

I could fall asleep within minutes. It used to take me hours to unwind and go to sleep. I could be in mid sentence and doze off. It is amazing how much a growing baby can affect your body.

Early Pregnancy Symptom #4 Moody
One of the pregnancy symptoms I had in the first week was moodiness. I would be happy and all of sudden burst out crying. I would get angry for no real reason. My husband was afraid to say anything because he did not know how I would react.

It was similar to the way you would feel right before your period starts. I kind of thought that is what was happening until I got the positive on the pregnancy test.

Early Pregnancy Symptom #5 Sore Breasts

A major symptom of early pregnancy for me was sore breasts. I could not stand anything touching them. My bra about drove me insane. I had a hard time at night because I slept on my stomach. Even the water in the shower caused pain.

I tried to sleep on my side but sure enough, I would wake up on my stomach with my breasts aching. I found a sports bra helped a little at night.

Early Pregnancy Symptom #6 Nasty Taste in my Mouth

Another early pregnancy symptom I had was a nasty taste in my mouth. No matter how many times I brushed my teeth or used mouthwash it would not go away. I always felt like I had bad breath. I found sucking on a piece of peppermint candy would help for a little while.

These are a few of the early symptoms I had the first week I found out I was pregnant. More symptoms appeared each week of the pregnancy. Remember not all women have the same early pregnancy symptoms. Some women have none and have completely healthy babies.