Eat This Not That: Eating Right During Pregnancy

Your Guide to Getting Good Nurtition During Pregnancy

From the moment that you find out that you are pregnant, you make a vow to your baby that you will do everything in your power to make sure that you have a healthy pregnancy. That includes eating right during your pregnancy.

Good nutrition during pregnancy is important. By making sure that you are eating right during your pregnancy, you can help make sure that your baby is getting the nutrients it needs to grow and thrive. Good nutrition during pregnancy is good for you as well. Your body will be providing nutrients and vitamins to your baby, by eating right, you will be able to replenish those reserves.

So, what should you eat during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, you want to make sure that you are eating more of the good stuff and less of the bad. That does not mean that you have to cut out all chocolate from your diet. It simply means that you should increase the amount of the good stuff.

Soft cheeses, such as Brie, Feta and Gorgonzola are now OK to eat during pregnancy as long as it is made with pasteurized milk. Most cheese sold in the US is, but still check the labels. If you live in a border state such as Texas, steer clear of Mexican cheeses (eg: Queso Blanco) as those typically are not pasteurized.

Cooked deli meat, veggie burgers, bean burritos or chicken are great sources of proteins during pregnancy

Fruits and vegetables should be a staple in your diet during pregnant. They are high in vitamins and fiber. Just make sure to wash them before you eat them.

What Foods Should I Eat In Moderation?

The verdict is out when it comes to caffeine. Studies have shown that caffeine in moderation during pregnancy is not harmful. So limit your consumption to no more then 2 or 3 8 oz cups of coffee a day.

Foods that are rich in nitrates, such as hot dogs, bacon and sausage should be eaten in moderation during pregnancy. Nitrates have been called into question for possible links to brain tumors and diabetes. These foods are not the best nutritional choices anyhow.

What Foods Should I Not Eat During Pregnancy?

Eggs in products such as restaurant made Caesar dressing, homemade eggnog, raw cookie dough and soft scrambled or sunny side up eggs...basically any dish in which the eggs (both yolk and white) are not fully cooked. Once the egg is cooked, the risk is gone.

Sushi,except for California rolls, is not safe to eat during pregnancy. It may contain parasites that could make you sick.

Anything that is unpasteurized such as juice that is sold at farm stands. Even though a majority of milk and juices sold in the stores today are pasteurized, it is a good idea to double check the labels.

While fish has omega-3 fatty acids, which help the baby's brain develop, is a good meal choice right now, some varieties should be avoided due to high mercury content. These include swordfish,shark and tile fish.

Many types of fish contain traces of mercury, so you want to limit your weekly consumption to safer varieties such as salmon, catfish,shrimp and light canned tuna. Try to keep consumption to around 12 oz a week.