Five Items You Must Have When Bringing the Baby Home

Items You Can't Do Without for Your New Baby

Bringing a new baby home from the hospital is a joyous and exciting time. In preparing to bring the baby home, you will be bombarded with ads and all types of baby items that you 'need to have'. As a new parent you will want to be as prepared as possible without wasting money on things you won't need. Here is a list of 5 things you really must have on hand when you bring home.

1. Car seat: Since you can't leave the hospital without a car seat, that is the first item you should purchase for your newborn child. The type of car seat with a base that can be transferred from car to stroller is is nice to have, though not necessary. If the child will be transported in more than one car, you can purchase a second base for the other car.

2. Wardrobe essentials: Your new baby will need certain essential clothing items that will include onesies, warm footed sleepers, socks, newborn hats and newborn hats. Of course, you and yours will want to buy cute outfit for picture taking and outings, but it is not necessary.

3. Diapers: Babies wet their diapers and poop, a lot. Stock up your home with diapers for the arrival of the newborn baby. Don't purchase all newborn size, however, as babies can grow fast and many babies outgrow newborn diapers before the stash is depleted. As to whether you should purchase cloth or disposable diapers, it is a personal choice.

4. Crib or bassinet: Whether your baby sleeps alone in their room, or co-sleeps along with you, you will still need a bed for daytime napping. A newborn can use a bassinet for a few months, but they will eventually need the bigger sturdier crib, so it makes sense to go ahead and get the crib. Beware of recalled and otherwise dangerous cribs. Along with the crib, you will also want to purchase fitted sheets. Leave out the traditional baby bumper and heavy comforter for safety reasons.

5. Baby thermometer: Every nervous and not-so-nervous parent will need a baby thermometer. Should you call your doctor with concerns that your baby is sick, the first thing her or she will ask you is what is the baby's temperature. Don't worry about the old rectal thermometer, that is not something most parents have the heart to deal with. A temporal thermometer is enough to give the doctor good feedback. Ear thermometers are also effective.