Buy two gender neutral baby clothes. Have them in a bag and go visit your parents or whoever you're surprising. Take out the bag and say, "I need your help deciding which outfit looks better." Then pull out the two outfits and see their reaction!
Invite your family over for dinner. Place a napkin by each person's plate. Think of a sentence that announces your pregnancy and has as many words as there are people coming over. Write one word of the sentence on each napkin. People will see the words and be confused at first. Have fun watching them try to unscramble the sentence! Some example sentences: "Is it a boy or a girl?" "We are excitedly awaiting the arrival of our new addition." "Our family is growing!" Try to make the sentence not include "pregnant", "baby", "congratulations", or anything that will tip them off before they finish completing the sentence.
Order Chinese food and replace the papers in the fortune cookies with slips of paper saying, "Baby (your last name) due mm/dd/yyyy!"
Gather everyone together for a family photo. Instead of having them say cheese, have them say, "(Your name) is pregnant!" Then take the picture and you'll have all their reactions caught on camera!
If you have a gaming family: During a game of charades, act out something that has to do with a baby. You can point to your belly and then act like you're rocking a baby. Or, even more fun, be subtle about it and act out changing a diaper, making a bottle, pushing a stroller...and keep doing different baby-themed actions whenever it's your turn until someone gets the hint! You can also do the same during a game of Pictionary except by drawing the clues.
Here's a creative way to surprise your husband: Go out to dinner at your favorite restaurant. Arrange with the waiter or waitress beforehand to bring out a cake that says "Congratulations...You're Going to be a Daddy!" when you order dessert.
Whatever method you choose...try to get people's reactions on videotape! It'll make for great memories later on. It's also fun to tell people in bunches rather than all at once. Then the people who you've already told can be in on the secret when you tell other people! More fun!