My Experience with Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depressions happens more often than you think. One should not feel inadequate or embarrassed if they are suffering from postpartum depression. I had my first and only child when I was 20 years old. I was immediately a grown up and a mother. I had moved 600 miles away from home and I felt completely alone.

I had heard about postpartum depression before my baby was born, and I never imagined it would happen to me. The depression did not start immediately after my baby was born it was gradual. Although I was married and had the support of my husband, I still felt completely helpless with my feelings. I felt sorry for myself, cried all the time, and lost an extreme amount of weight. I felt lonely and frustrated, nothing I did gave me relief from this disgusting feeling I felt in the pit of my stomach.

Eventually this depression had taken a tole on my marriage. I could see that I was not only holding myself back from being happy but also my new baby and my husband. Like with most things, if you do not like something, change it. I forced myself to step out of my ordinary day and do things differently. I no longer slept in, and I made myself eat right and exercise. I started looking for part time work, and I started taking classes at the near by university. I realized that my baby and my "stay at home mom" life was not all I had left to live for, I had ambitions and goals that I need to pull out of the closet.

Once I started living for me and taking care of me I began to feel much better about my life. Postpartum depression does not have to consume you, it can be overcome with a good support system, and faith in yourself.