Early pregnancy can be a rollercoaster ride for some expectant mothers. The usual early pregnancy symptoms, often discussed in pregnancy books and guides, often overlook the more unexpected symptoms and side effects of early pregnancy that many woman experience. Some of these unexpected symptoms of early pregnancy can come as a complete surprise to newly pregnant women. The earliest unexpected pregnancy symptoms may even begin well before the first pregnancy test is taken or confirmed.
Early pregnancy symptoms often have a way with taking over the normal mental, physical, and emotional states of pregnant women. The beginning weeks of pregnancy can be both confusing and exciting to newly pregnant women, who are new to the impact that pregnancy can have on their formerly normal, everyday lives. Even women who have had previous pregnancies may discover that each pregnancy is a different and unique experience. Unexpected pregnancy symptoms can strike at any time during early pregnancy, but there are some symptoms and side effects that seem to be common, though often glossed over in pregnancy books and doctors' early pregnancy informational talks.
Is that Water Retention or am I Pregnant?
One of the first unexpected signs of early pregnancy can often be the mysterious bloating, similar to the signs of water retention, that settles in the lower belly. The bloating can be similar to that which many women experience prior to having a period, and this can also be confused with PMS symptoms. Because the bloating is often slight, and mainly noticed by the expectant woman when trying to button a pair of pants, it can be overlooked.
What's that Smell?
The sense of smell is often heightened during pregnancy, and early pregnancy can be the most challenging for women who discover that normally tolerable smells and scents can bring on a wave of nausea in a split second. Many women develop strange and unique aversions to certain smells during early pregnancy. The smell of frying meat or cooking smells is a common smell aversion, but other scents and smells can be equally popular nauseating scents to women in early pregnancy. Many times, food related smells will discourage pregnant women from eating certain foods during early pregnancy. As long as a healthy diet is included in the early pregnancy diet, most women can avoid nausea-inducing foods for awhile.
I Don't Look Pregnant!
Women who are pregnant for the first time are often most surprised when, aside from the number of early pregnancy symptoms they are contending with, they do not actually look pregnant. The first three months of the pregnancy, known as the first trimester, is an important one developmentally for the fetus and the pregnant woman, but most women rarely show any outward physical signs of being pregnant until the second trimester. Women who have had previous babies may show sooner, but aside from typical bloating in the lower abdominal area, most pregnant woman may be surprised to find that their clothes still fit during early pregnancy. The maternity wardrobe can be set aside and stretchier waistbands often work best for women who are in-between early pregnancy and the second trimester.
The Wild, Raging Mood Swing
Early pregnancy signs should include a disclaimer that wild, and unforseen mood swings are often described by those who experience them in early pregnancy as, "PMS times ten." The range of moods that women can experience during early pregnancy often confuse those around them. One minute a feeling of universal joy is peaking, when you see a cute baby at the local mall, and next thing you know, a sudden fit of emotional chaos ensues. Part of the emotional rollercoaster can be attributed to the havoc that early pregnancy hormones can have on the emotional state of pregnant women.
It is common for tempers to flare out of the blue, and for women to have exaggerated reactions to minor situations during early pregnancy. Though you doctor will often mention that hormones may cause mood swings during early pregnancy, women are often surprised by the way that these mood swings can play out in their daily lives. Time outs and alone time can be very helpful for women who are battling raging mood swings during the first few months of pregnancy.
I Had to Pee Twenty Times Today
The tell tale sign of early pregnancy can often be correlated to the number of times a woman will have to run to the restroom during the day. Frequent urination is at its peak during the first few months of pregnancy, and later returns at the end. Women who notice that they are making more and more unexpected trips to the restroom, may want to look into taking a pregnancy test. Once a pregnancy has been confirmed, be ready to make more trips to the restroom during this period of early pregnancy.
What are those Gurgling Sounds?
During the first few weeks of early pregnancy, many women often hear strange noises coming from their digestive system and lower abdominal area. The digestive system is adjusting to the new demands on the body during early pregnancy, and it is common, though often surprising, for pregnant women to hear odd swooshing, gurgling, or digestive sounds coming from their bodies. These early sounds can begin well before a woman realizes she is pregnant.
Early pregnancy can be an interesting journey for expectant women. Unexpected and surprising symptoms can appear at anytime during early pregnancy, but women who are more aware of these potential symptoms will be better prepared to face them during the first few months of pregnancy.
Early pregnancy symptoms often have a way with taking over the normal mental, physical, and emotional states of pregnant women. The beginning weeks of pregnancy can be both confusing and exciting to newly pregnant women, who are new to the impact that pregnancy can have on their formerly normal, everyday lives. Even women who have had previous pregnancies may discover that each pregnancy is a different and unique experience. Unexpected pregnancy symptoms can strike at any time during early pregnancy, but there are some symptoms and side effects that seem to be common, though often glossed over in pregnancy books and doctors' early pregnancy informational talks.
Is that Water Retention or am I Pregnant?
One of the first unexpected signs of early pregnancy can often be the mysterious bloating, similar to the signs of water retention, that settles in the lower belly. The bloating can be similar to that which many women experience prior to having a period, and this can also be confused with PMS symptoms. Because the bloating is often slight, and mainly noticed by the expectant woman when trying to button a pair of pants, it can be overlooked.
What's that Smell?
The sense of smell is often heightened during pregnancy, and early pregnancy can be the most challenging for women who discover that normally tolerable smells and scents can bring on a wave of nausea in a split second. Many women develop strange and unique aversions to certain smells during early pregnancy. The smell of frying meat or cooking smells is a common smell aversion, but other scents and smells can be equally popular nauseating scents to women in early pregnancy. Many times, food related smells will discourage pregnant women from eating certain foods during early pregnancy. As long as a healthy diet is included in the early pregnancy diet, most women can avoid nausea-inducing foods for awhile.
I Don't Look Pregnant!
Women who are pregnant for the first time are often most surprised when, aside from the number of early pregnancy symptoms they are contending with, they do not actually look pregnant. The first three months of the pregnancy, known as the first trimester, is an important one developmentally for the fetus and the pregnant woman, but most women rarely show any outward physical signs of being pregnant until the second trimester. Women who have had previous babies may show sooner, but aside from typical bloating in the lower abdominal area, most pregnant woman may be surprised to find that their clothes still fit during early pregnancy. The maternity wardrobe can be set aside and stretchier waistbands often work best for women who are in-between early pregnancy and the second trimester.
The Wild, Raging Mood Swing
Early pregnancy signs should include a disclaimer that wild, and unforseen mood swings are often described by those who experience them in early pregnancy as, "PMS times ten." The range of moods that women can experience during early pregnancy often confuse those around them. One minute a feeling of universal joy is peaking, when you see a cute baby at the local mall, and next thing you know, a sudden fit of emotional chaos ensues. Part of the emotional rollercoaster can be attributed to the havoc that early pregnancy hormones can have on the emotional state of pregnant women.
It is common for tempers to flare out of the blue, and for women to have exaggerated reactions to minor situations during early pregnancy. Though you doctor will often mention that hormones may cause mood swings during early pregnancy, women are often surprised by the way that these mood swings can play out in their daily lives. Time outs and alone time can be very helpful for women who are battling raging mood swings during the first few months of pregnancy.
I Had to Pee Twenty Times Today
The tell tale sign of early pregnancy can often be correlated to the number of times a woman will have to run to the restroom during the day. Frequent urination is at its peak during the first few months of pregnancy, and later returns at the end. Women who notice that they are making more and more unexpected trips to the restroom, may want to look into taking a pregnancy test. Once a pregnancy has been confirmed, be ready to make more trips to the restroom during this period of early pregnancy.
What are those Gurgling Sounds?
During the first few weeks of early pregnancy, many women often hear strange noises coming from their digestive system and lower abdominal area. The digestive system is adjusting to the new demands on the body during early pregnancy, and it is common, though often surprising, for pregnant women to hear odd swooshing, gurgling, or digestive sounds coming from their bodies. These early sounds can begin well before a woman realizes she is pregnant.
Early pregnancy can be an interesting journey for expectant women. Unexpected and surprising symptoms can appear at anytime during early pregnancy, but women who are more aware of these potential symptoms will be better prepared to face them during the first few months of pregnancy.