Home Pregnancy Test Comparisons: Rating 8 Popular Brands

Taking a pregnancy test can be both an exciting and a scary thing. Whether you are trying for a baby and you just can't wait for the home pregnancy test to be positive, or you made a mistake and are hoping for it to be negative, you want to be sure that whatever answer your home pregnancy stick tells you is the right one and that you didn't overpay for it.

Although all home pregnancy tests have the same goal, the way you receive the answer, how you take the test, the time you work and how soon you can take the test and still have accuracy are all different. Hopefully this article will take some of the guess work and stress out of which home pregnancy test to use so that your mind can be free to think about more important things.

E.P.T. -early pregnancy test- is a popular home pregnancy test also known as First Response. This is considered an early result home pregnancy test because it can detect pregnancy hormones in your body 5 days before you have even missed your period and is over 99% accurate as long as the pregnancy hormones in your body are typical. The home pregnancy stick looks like a typical plastic pregnancy stick with a cap on one end that you remove to pee on with a steady stream of urine for 5 seconds. After a minute your results will show up in the single oval window. One pink line if you are not pregnant and two pink lines if you are pregnant. These home pregnancy tests cost between 10 and 16 dollars for packs containing either one or two tests but this company often produces decent coupons for them so you probably won't pay this much for the home pregnancy test.

Clearblue is another popular home pregnancy test brand. The advantage of this brand is that if you have troubles Reading sticks where colored lines or shapes appear - although they have this kind too - they also have a digital read pregnancy test. It looks like a traditional at home pregnancy test where you remove the cap and pee on the felt tipped end for 5 seconds with a steady stream of urine and after a minute in the digital read oval the word pregnant or the words not pregnant will appear. The test is over 99% accurate. You can buy them in packs of buy one tests and get another one free or buy two tests and get another one free. This deal of buying 2 tests for the price of 1 or 3 tests for the price of two is the companies way of offering an incentive since the digital tests costs more range from 17 to 24 dollars at most local drug stores.

Answer Early Result Pregnancy Test allows you to take the test 3 days before your missed period and is reported at being 99% accurate as well. It also looks like a normal pregnancy test where you pee on the felt tipped side for 5 seconds and then you can read your results in 3 minutes. The result appears in a clear oval circle at the opposite end of the felt. There will be one line if you are not pregnant and two lines if you are. This at home pregnancy tests suggests you use the test first thing in the morning for the most accurate results. It costs about 13 dollars for one test.

Accu-Clear early pregnancy tests are only recommended being used starting with the first day of your missed period but are still 99% accurate after that point. It is a traditional at home early pregnancy stick and it is required that you pee on the felt end for 5 seconds and then you can read the answer in 3 minutes. A minus sign will appear if you are not pregnant and a plus sign will appear if you are pregnant. These tests will cost you about 9 dollars for a buy one get one free pack.

Equate home pregnancy tests is the Walmart brand pregnancy test. It can taken the first day of your missed period and although it boasts having a 99% accuracy, in my experience and the experiences of other people that I know, it often gives a false positive. It looks like a standard pregnancy test. You pee for 5 seconds of the felt tipped side and in 3 minutes you will see a plus sign if you are pregnant and a negative sign if you are not pregnant in the clear oval screen on the home pregnancy test stick. These tests cost about 7 dollars for 2 tests.

Clear choice is an at home pregnancy test that uses a cup. The home pregnancy test includes a traditional test stick, a cup and a liquid dropper. You urinate into the cup and then use the test dropper to get a few drops of urine. You have the pregnancy test lying flat and there is a dip on the test stick -instead of the felt tip- and you squeeze two drops of urine into the dip. In about 3 minutes you can read your results. You will see one pink line if you are not pregnant and two pink lines if you are. This test is a bit more expensive and will costs you about 15 dollars for 1 test.

The Walgreen's midstream at home pregnancy test also has a typical pregnancy stick. The test is very specific that when you urinate on the felt end that you stick the felt end into the urine stream after you have already been urinating for 10 seconds. The timing can be tricky. The test can be read 1 minutes after that a pink line meaning you are not pregnant and two pink lines meaning that you are pregnant. This tests costs between 7 and 10 dollars an is often on sale making it even cheaper.

The One Step Be Sure at home pregnancy tests is another pregnancy test that is commonly bought but like the equate test above the answers are not always accurate even though they boast a 99% accuracy as well. This test gives out false negatives. It looks like a typical pregnancy test though with a felt tip end that you urinate on for 5 seconds and can read your results in 3 minutes. One pink line means that you are not pregnant and two pink lines means that you are. This test costs between 9 and 15 dollars but again it gives out false negatives from time to time.