How to Get Past Postpartum Anxiety and Get Back on with Life

Postpartum anxiety affects many women after child birth and should not be taken lightly. There are many ways to treat the postpartum blues, but if it gets too serious, sometimes a counselor might need to be the next step. This article will explain some of the symptoms of moms experiencing postpartum anxiety and what she can do about it to get back to being herself.

Symptoms of a mom experiencing postpartum blues

Some symptoms to look out for are being sad all the time, bouts of crying, feeling worthless, lack of energy, feeling agitated or irritable, fatigue, insomnia, lack of sexual drive, feeling rejected, anxiety, feeling like a failure and many others. If you experience any of these feelings then there are some things you can do to help get over this postpartum anxiety. If you feel like you want to hurt yourself or other people, definitely get yourself some professional help right away.

What you can do to get rid of postpartum depression and get back to being yourself

Try to avoid being alone as much as you can. Spending time with friends and family can be the best cure for postpartum blues. It not only gets your mind off of things, but keeps you busy. Besides, nothing brings a smile to the face than spending time with people you love.

Do not be afraid to talk about your feelings to either your spouse, friends or family members. Sometimes just expressing your feelings and having someone listen to you can be all it takes to feeling better. If talking to people who are close to you doesn't seem to help, do not be ashamed to seek counseling.

Keep yourself healthy. Make sure you are exercising, eating right and drinking enough water. Take your vitamins and get plenty of rest. This doesn't mean stay in bed all day which is the total opposite of what you want. Staying in bed all day will not only worsen the symptoms of postpartum anxiety but can cause depression as well.

Get back to what you were doing before you gave birth. Sometimes getting back to your normal routine can shake the blues out of you and get you back to being yourself. Force yourself to get out of bed, take a shower and maybe go for a morning walk to get yourself going and then get on with what it is that you normally do. Obviously, there will be some change to your normal routine now that your new baby is home, but do your best to bring back some familiar activities to your life or start a new routine that involves your little one.

Make an attempt to pamper yourself often. This alone is a great cure to postpartum anxiety. Sit in a warm bubble bath with scented candles lit and some of your favorite music playing. Hire a babysitter if you can and go out with some friends. Even a long, vigorous walk can do you good. Anything to keep you out of bed and keep you moving.

Cuddle with your new baby. Holding your new bundle of joy can do wonders for anyone. Not only will you benefit from this affectionate cuddling, but your new baby will as well. It's important to create that bond with your little one as soon as possible.

These are some ways to help fight postpartum anxiety. Try a few of them and see what works for you and remember, it is ok to seek professional help if nothing seems to work. Postpartum doesn't usually last too long so do your best to get through it and get back to yourself.