Implantation Bleeding
Although not every woman experiences implantation bleeding when the egg implants itself into the uterine wall, if you do find a small amount of blood when you visit the restroom 6-12 days after ovulation, chances are you are pregnant, and are experiencing implantation bleeding. This early pregnancy symptom occurs when the fertilized egg travels down the fallopian tube into the uterus, finding a comfortable spot along the uterine wall, and burying itself. Ocasionally during this process, women will experience slight cramping and light bleeding and since this occurence is usually too early to be the regular menstrual cycle, it more often than not indicates pregnancy.
Soft Cervix
I discovered this early pregnancy symptom after I conducted my own research on the hormonal changes that occur in the body with both conception and impending menstruation, I came to the conclusion that if you have conceived, your cervix will remain soft after conception, but if you are not pregnant, the cervix will begin to get hard right before you expect menstruation. During ovulation, the progesterone levels will rise- causing the cervix to be soft and moist. If the egg is not fertilized, however, the progesterone levels will fall, causing the cervix to become increasingly firmer and evenutally menstruation will occur. If after 7+ days after ovulation, you find that your cervix is still soft and moist, you will know that your body is still under the influence of progesterone and that pregnancy is likely the culprit.
Lack of Moodiness
Yes, I wrote that correctly- lack of moodiness. This may initially seem like an unlikely early pregnancy symptom, but a lack of moodiness in very early pregnancy is prevalent among many pregnant women. When you are approaching menstruation, most women experience emotional instability, or PMS as we frequently call it; this is not the case with early pregnancy. As explained above, when conception occurs, the progesterone levels that are present during ovulation remain elevated and eventually rise. When the egg goes unfertilized, the progesterone levels drop and estrogen levels rise- causing menstruation, which also causes moodiness. However, when you are pregnant, the progesterone levels stay the same as ovulation, rising slightly with each day post conception, so you are less likely to experience any extreme mood instability. By the time you experience the normal moodiness that comes with pregnancy hormones, you are already aware of your pregnancy, but if you notice that you are approaching the day you expect your period, and you are not moody as usual, you are probably in baby-making mode.
There is not a myriad of early pregnancy symptoms that occur before a missed period, but if you are anxious to know whether or not conception occured successfully, seek out the above mentioned early pregnancy symptoms. The chances are if you find these symtoms post ovulation, you are pregnant. These early pregnancy symptoms are fairly accurate, and best of all, do not ruin the fun and surprise that always accompanies finding those two pink lines!