When Should You Tell People You Are Pregnant?

Pros and Cons of Announcing the News Right Away

After you've gotten a positive pregnancy test, it's time to get busy! That entails calling the doctor, planning the nursery, and taking care of yourself. And, of course, that means it is time to share the news with your friends and family. Some women choose to tell everyone immediately. Others will wait until they are several months along.

If you're wondering when you should reveal that you are pregnant, you're not alone. Some common Google searches are "when should you tell people you're pregnant" and "when to tell people you're expecting." There are pros and cons of telling everyone right away. There are also some advantages to keeping the pregnancy a secret for awhile.

One common reason not to announce your pregnancy immediately is because of the risk of miscarriage. Although statistically the chance of a miscarriage is not high, it is a possibility. It can be very difficult to share the miscarriage news after announcing a pregnancy. On the flip side, if you have a supportive family and friends, it might be beneficial so they can support you, in the event of a miscarriage.

Another reason why people choose to not tell everyone they are pregnant right away is because of unsolicited advice. It can be annoying to get tips and advice from your mother in law, coworker, and cousin-in-law's friend. While some people enjoy the insight, other women might be offended to hear common sense advice. In addition, it can be irritating to be asked the same questions over and over. These questions might be "Do you want a boy or a girl?", "When is your due date?", and "Do you have any morning sickness?"

Some people choose not to share the pregnancy news right away because they want to celebrate quietly alone for a bit. Some people would prefer not to be the center of attention right away. They also might not want to take the spotlight away from someone else. For example, if someone is getting married, you might want to wait to share the news until after the wedding.

Of course, there are many benefits for announcing a pregnancy early. If you a Christian, it might be comforting to know that others are already praying for your baby. If you have a supportive family, it might be nice to have the encouragement and support you need. If you enjoy getting help and advice from others, it is not a bad idea to announce the news right away.

Another benefit of telling immediately is people will have more time to make plans and arrangements. For example, if your family is planning a big summer reunion, they can make sure to plan it at least 3 weeks before your due date.

An additional advantage of telling sooner is that you might have a chance to start acquiring used baby furniture and clothes from friends and family. You might get first dibs on it before someone else announces they are pregnant.

Whether you spread the news immediately, or wait until the second trimester, the choice is up to you. You are the mom and can decide when the big news should be made public. If you would like to do creatively, read " Creative Ways to Announce Your Pregnancy to an Older Child." (These methods can be done with anyone.) You might also check out "Fun and Creative Ways to Tell Your Husband You're Pregnant."